Communities play an important role in every walk of human lives. We make communities of friends & family, workplace, neighborhoods, and in so many other places. We can also create community in our interest areas or hobbies that we like. Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves. It can give us opportunities to connect with people, to reach for our goals, and makes us feel safe and secure.
Why is community important?
Inclusion is a basic need of every human being and it finds itself as the foundation of a community. By inclusion I mean universal access to entry, starting with legal protections against exclusion — racial discrimination, for example — but going far, far beyond. Because community is about finding each other and a place for each other. By dealing with differences we confront the question of the social and economic foundations of our society. By building community we put some order in the fragmented world.
In the Sufi tradition, it is taught that the primary purpose of life is to awaken to the essence of who we are. Once we do so, we are invited to lovingly embrace this realization. The gift of community is that it offers each of us the fire of affirmation and support to achieve this, even on those days when we feel no fire. A strong community is a place of opportunity. A strong community can greatly benefit families and businesses in a variety of ways. Big or small, a community can provide countless opportunities for growth and experience. As a part of a strong community, we are a part of a group of people who want to help each other, whether that is socially or professionally. What makes a community strong is its unanimity towards a common goal.
To me, a community is a group of individuals connected to each other by one or more attributes and it is where one finds the balance between physical and mental fitness. Thus, a community is a familiar thread that brings people together to advocate and support each other for a common cause. As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us to the many relationships we develop. Community is where we find comfort in difficult times. Communities are also rich in resources. Your strengths may be someone else’s weaknesses and vice versa. With the diversity of skills, common goals can be achieved that much faster!
Do glance at the work being done by us in the below communities and you are welcome to join them and contribute too.